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Our Worship


Providence Church has always been a place where we keep it very simple. It’s relaxed but focused. We don’t need to be flashy or put on big productions for people to meet God. We believe that Jesus is enough. Here’s what you can expect during a typical worship gathering:


During the Gathering, our worship team will lead us in a number of songs. Providence strives to balance new, original music with some of the great hymns of our faith. As we sing our focus is not ourselves or the people around us, but telling Jesus how much we love Him. So no matter what kind of voice you have, sing out with all of your heart.



Our worship has a logic — a biblical pattern — that is followed week-in and week-out. This repetition is formative and sanctifying, changing our hearts and minds.


At Providence, we believe that the Bible is God’s gift to us to show us who He is and what He’s done for us. Every week, our pastor teaches straight from the Bible in a way that is helpful and challenging. If you don’t have a copy of the Bible with you, we have a copy at the entrance  – feel free to use one of ours. If you don’t own your own Bible, please take one of ours home as our gift to you.


One of the greatest privileges we have as followers of Jesus is being able pray with boldness and confidence. We’ll pray together throughout our time and , if you would like to have someone pray for you, our pastor would be honored to pray with you after the worship gathering – you’ll find him up front, waiting to serve you.


Communion is something that Jesus began the night before he died as a way for his followers to remember and participate in his death on the cross. At Providence, we celebrate communion together frequently after the message. Providence welcomes all Christians who actively trust Jesus for salvation, who are willing to turn away from their sin to receive communion with us. Each week, families and groups of friends come forward and serve each other a small bit of bread and wine as a way of participating in and identifying with the body and blood of Jesus.


If you are our guest, please do not feel obligated to give anything financially – please feel free to give as God leads you in the offering container at the back of the sanctuary.
  If you prefer to give online, you can do so here.

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